Adels Grove, Boodjamulla National Park

Adels Grove, Boodjamulla National Park

1 – 4 July. 17329kms.

Waanji Country.

Boodjamulla National Park, formally known as Lawn Hill, Waanyi country, in north west QLD, near the Gulf of Carpentaria. Our last big bush hurrah. And, just wow. Emerald green waters infused with minerals from the limestone, canoeing into the gorge, spying freshwater crocs, admiring waterfalls and archer fish. Bushwalking across rivers to sacred sites with rock art and shell middens, welcomed by a wallaroo, thanking the ancestors for having us. Hiking up the Constance Ranges with new campsite friends, enjoying social nightly fires, kids and grown ups alike finding their match. The road in to Boodjamulla was dicey, 130kms of rain soaked dirt, river crossings and so much mud. Some reprieve found at Riversleigh, a millions of years old rainforest lake, now fossil rich limestone escarpment where the bones of ancient turtles, crocodiles and giant birds can be found protruding from the rocks.
Like staring at the stars, this ancient country and its wisdoms puts little individual lives into expansive perspective.
Boodjamulla, rainbow serpent, asks not to be disturbed at the bottom of the gorge else he may cause thunderstorms, hails and floods. May we heed his call!

Bombed out cars, river crossings & mud

Riversleigh fossils

Kayaking the Gorge

Dogs dreaming walk

Campsite besties Danielle, John, Darcy & Tilly

Budjamulla’s wisdoms