Gregory River

Gregory River

4 – 5 July. 17414kms.

Nguburinji Country.

The road out of Boodjamulla was dry, making way for a different hazard- horses and herds of cows, peppered with the cutest little calves! Shooting for the much lauded Gregory River bush camp, we were greeted by hoards with the same idea, and found ourselves the very last spot. A tricky maneuver up a steep and rocky trail (Alex ever the master at the wheel), we tucked into our nook in some rainforesty bush overlooking the river. The emerald green river was calling! A current would float us from one end to the other, stronger than we realised, Talia yelping, had to be saved! Close call, nerve wracking but happy in the end. The afternoon gave way to a hair salon – it was time! Alex big boof had to go and Poppy was the women with the snippers. Talia had a crack at my fringe too – a field day had by all! Topped off with some fireside backgammon, Gregory River, another winner.