17 – 18 June. 14467kms.
Jawoyn Country.
A night of bush camping with mum, Rox and kids, having farewelled the other half of the crew at Nitmiluk. A first for mum and Rox, bush bashing on dirt tracks, hunting out a secret hideout, far from the crowds, our own patch of red earth for the night. We landed, we sized up a spot and we settled in. Beers and dinner, campfire, tea and chocolate. Rolled out the swag for Rox and Sal – overcoming long held squeamishness for a night under the stars! Worth every minute she said, despite the stimulation of the night sky preventing much sleep.
Next morning to Leliyn, Edith Falls. An uphill hike with little and long legs. Winding passed lookouts we were enticed by sneak peaks at the lush waterhole and falls below. In we splashed on arrival, fresh and cool. Big swims over to the falls, clambering up rocks to jumping spots, diving under the falls for a massage on the shoulders. Snacks by the waters edge, a conversation with a massive water monitor, letting us know who’s home we were visiting!
A refreshed walk back to the carpark, interrupted with news from Dad. Pammi had passed. Her time had come. Thankfully Dad was home with Andy, and we were altogether, able to mourn and cry and share memories on the walk back down the hill to the carpark.