14 – 17 June. 14233kms.
Jawoyn Country.
Nitmiluk, place of cicadas in Jawoyn language, and otherwise known as Katherine Gorge. We arrived in the dark to a full campground, unallocated sites, scrambling to get 3 sites next to eachother. Not possible though we wrangled it the next morning. Easy dinner and red wine helped bring calm after the drive, apart from for Felix and Xander who thought they’d keep Hez and Van up for awhile, and some neighbouring beer swilling hooligans had Alex in a bother.
A new dawn is a new day! And on this one we took it easy. Laundry, shopping, pool time, Visitor’s Centre, and topped off with a walk along the river and up hundreds of stairs to the Baruwei Lookout over the gorge.
Day 2 and thermal springs were beckoning! Off we headed, still 3 cars and 4 families in our troupe, southward through Mataranka and on to Bitter Springs. Crystal clear, glassy green waters, warm and welcoming. Many other folk, pool noodles as far as the eye could see, the springs well serviced with boardwalks, and rails and steps. Allowing the current to float us downstream we found some space, drifting under mossy green trees, this was the stuff of fairy tales. There was magic in those waters.
Day 3 for the 3 Gorge Cruise! Embarking on a touring barge with a welcoming and informative guide, we ventured deep into Nitmiluk. A short walk between gorge one and two revealed some stunning rockart, the rainbow serpent, evidence of lore and stories from long ago. Onwards through gorge two and three, onto another barge, sheer red gorge walls rising either side of us, narrow in parts, wide in others, ancient landscapes, spiritual places. Kids hoping between seats on the boat, front, back, together apart. All smiles and indulging in the provisioned snack pack of muffins and apples. Talia sure to test out the amenities on each and every barge. The return journey involved a welcome gorge swim, the water crisp and refreshing, like lizards on rocks we warmed and relished. A spectacular day, a touristy day, an extended intergenerational family adventure.