The Big Departure

The Big Departure

Gadigal > Wiradjuri country. 0kms.

Saturday 9th April – Leaving Kepos St and heading for Albury!

An epic day of packing and farewelling, Mum and Dad crash landing into Kepos with bubbles and a spread of food, so much love and chaos, and mum filled with emotion. Like backpacking farewells of old! Arya and Elmo. Van and Hez, Felix and Xander. Santi and Sal. Still setting up camper and packing but after much ado, we got away! A long 5.5hr drive with stop off at stellar pub The Sir George in Jugiong for dinner. Delicious fresh produce, goats to pat, firepit, friendly staff and tasty meals! Away we went again, dark now, time for podcasts. Fierce Girls the pick. Talia sleeps, we all listen. And by 10am we arrive to a friendly welcome from Dieuwer, Dorrie’s sister and her family, Manu, Ado, Oli and Pablo the dog. Cuppa tea and set up camp. Night one done! Trampolining and greenhouse discovery in the morning, carpet pythons, snake skins and green tree frogs!

The leaving

The Hume, Jugiong & Albury